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10 fotos lindas que vão convencer você a comer salada

Se o inverno faz com que você coloque menos folhas no prato, nós temos uma solução bem prática: imagens lindas para você se inspirar e despertar o estômago. É de dar água na boca!

Por Maria Lúcia Zanutto
Atualizado em 26 abr 2024, 13h53 - Publicado em 20 Maio 2016, 14h24
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Você olha tanto para uma comida, que acaba desejando? Então, use essa tática de uma maneira saudável: fique de olho nestas saladas incríveis. Com frutas, salmão, beterraba, bem temperadinha… Boas opções não faltam! Pronta para aumentar o seu desejo pela refeição?

1. Ovo + abacate + tomate + abobrinha

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Sem ideia para a salada de hoje? Ai vai uma sugestão com proteína e uma boa dose de gordura boa. É bem facinha!!! Fatias de ovo cozido, abacate, abobrinha e tomate em cubos, coentro (ou salsa), cebola (opciona), pimenta dedo-de-moça, limão, azeite e pouco sal! Sugestão da @eliane_contreras, nossa editora expert em nutrição. #atitudeboaforma #receitalevinha #salada #regram

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2. Camarão + rabanete + cebola + limão

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Gloomy days call for extra colorful #salads — #farro with #Chilhuacle #chile + #cashew #salsa, #DriedShrimp, #cabbage, #GreenOnion + baby #FrenchRadish. #SaladForPresident

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3. Frango + tangerina + alface + amêndoas

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#Asian #Chicken #Salad Serves: 4 INGREDIENTS 🌱6 cups romaine, chopped 🌱1 cup red cabbage, chopped 🌱2 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless Chicken Marinade: 🍗3 tablespoons soy sauce 🍗2 teaspoons honey 🍗1 teaspoon sesame oil 🍗½ teaspoon ground ginger 🍗½ teaspoon garlic powder Dressing: 🍴½ cup rice vinegar 🍴3 tablespoons granulated sugar 🍴2 tablespoons canola oil 🍴1½ teaspoons sesame oil 🍴½ teaspoon sesame seeds, toasted 🍴½ teaspoon salt 🍴⅛ teaspoon pepper Salad Toppings: 🍊11 ounce can mandarin #oranges 🍊sliced almonds, toasted 🍊crunchy chow mein noodles 🍊sesame seeds 🍊green onions, chopped photo via 🍴 #healthy #health #healthyfood #healthylife #healthymeals #healthyeating #healthychoices #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthylife #eathealthy #eatclean #goorganic #natural #pure #realfood #warm #winter #delicious #plantpowered #foodphotography #foodstlying #healthyfoodshare #beautifulcuisines #inmykitchen #autumn

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4. Salada de frutas (abacaxi + manga + maracujá + kiwi… Solte a sua imaginação!)

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Take me back to when this fruit was in season 😫😫😫 ITS COLD TODAY!! Noooooooooooooooo!

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5. Abóbora + couve-flor + amêndoas + berinjela

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Nourish bowl with all the favourites, and those cute avo stars cause I'm obsessed ✮ ✮ #choosehealthy #hippielaneshapes

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6. Cenoura + beterraba + amêndoa + alface

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Proud to announce that we're partnering with the Patina Group and will be selling our organic, plant-based food at their Hollywood Bowl Markets for their summer season! #cafegratitude #hollywoodbowl

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7. Tomate + cenoura + romã + mirtilos

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Making rainbows with my salad 🌿 Salad tips: Fruit is a great way to add a pop of sour and sweetness. Hummus is a great addition for some plant protein (plus it's creamy and delicious) Lemon juice squeezed over every-thang! For some zesty flavour

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8. Salmão + ovo + batata-doce + alface

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put an egg on it with our not so nicoise salad – this is our take on the classic french salad, but using columbia river steelhead instead of salmon, and asparagus instead of green beans. #tastetheseason

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9. Abacate + tomate + frango + couve

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Happy Humpday! Double-tap if you want me to make a new healthy salad dressing video! Decided to eat a healthy dose of raw veggies and experiment by making my own salad dressing: chicken + kale + bok choy + dandelion greens + avocado + carrots + tomates + goat cheese + cranberries. I made a honey dijon avocado dressing – it's pretty good and ALMOST ready. What'd you have for lunch? Boom. (traducción abajo) —– Feliz miércoles! Haz doble clic si quieres nuevo vídeo acerca de los aderezos saludables! Hoy decidí comer verduras crudas y experimentar por hacer mi propio aderezo: pollo + col rizada + bok choy (col china) + hojas de diente de león + aguacate + zanahoria + tomate + queso de cabra + arándanos secos. Preparé aderezo dulce con aguacate y dijon – es rico y CASI está listo. Qué almorzaste hoy? Bum.

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10. Couve + beterraba + queijo + palmito



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