Ioga pelada? Esta garota posta fotos lindas (e inspiradoras) no Instagram

Você nunca pensou que praticar a modalidade sem roupa fosse tão bonito e valorizasse tanto a beleza das curvas femininas. Vem ver o resultado:

Por Redação Boa Forma
Atualizado em 21 out 2024, 19h30 - Publicado em 15 fev 2016, 10h26
Reprodução/ Instagram
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A ideia de ver (ou praticar) ioga pelada pode soar estranho e desconfortável. Contudo, esta conta do Instagram, lançada em novembro do ano passado e que já conta mais de 230 mil seguidores, prova o contrário. As imagens em preto e branco da modelo são simplesmente deslumbrantes (é só olhar a foto acima!).

No site Nude Yoga Girl, a jovem afirma que ela mesma faz todo o trabalho fotográfico e que também edita as coisas necessárias (como os mamilos) e coloca sombras em lugares estratégicos. Apesar da corajosa iniciativa, nem o Instagram ou site revelam sua verdadeira identidade. Além dos cliques incríveis, outra coisa chama a atenção: as legendas dos posts com mensagens positivas, como “A maneira como você faz os outros se sentir, diz muito sobre você também. Para ser honesta, eu não gosto muito das pessoas que me fazem sentir insegura, desconfortável ou ameaçada”. Uma inciativa super #atitudeboaforma, não?

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One question for you once a week. ❤ When was the last time that you did something for the first time? ❤

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Body. Soul. Love. Self acceptance. My heart goes to the celebration of the human body. ❤ You are beautiful exactly the way you are. ❤ @instagram asked to share our hearts. #IGhearts

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I always try to keep in my mind that I must do things that I THINK I can't do. This is because we usually underestimate ourselves and our ability. We have the potential to do a lot of different things and that's why I want to learn as much as I can in my life. I want to understand and experience. ❤ Of course sometimes you can feel like your capacity reached the limit. It's a good thing to know when to give yourself a bit of space and just be without seeking to do something. ❤ But I want to remind you this: we can do so much more than what we think. Already now. We are able to perform incredible performances. We can affect things that feel impossible. We can survive when we feel like there is no way out.❤

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9 reasons why I love yoga and why I recommend it to everybody: ❤ 1. It calms down my mind when I'm too stressed. 2. I can do it everywhere and I don't necessarily need any equipment. 3. It helps me be fully present. I love listening to my breath and just being in the moment. 4. Many different styles, it can be relaxing or a very good workout. 5. Yoga is not just a sport, it's a lifestyle (if you want so) and you can be part of a like-minded community. A lot of interesting thoughts and knowledge for every part of life. 6. It's energizing and just 15 minutes of Yoga make you already feel better. It's a really good way to start off your day for example. 7. Not competative but you can challenge yourself endlessly. 8. Headstand and shavasana. 9. It helped me accept and love myself and my body. Yoga is not about how you look but it's about how you feel on the inside. ❤ Why do you like yoga?☺

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