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Estamos apaixonadas por esta bebê praticando ioga com os pais

Sofie Phoenix, de 9 meses, acompanha os pais, professores de ioga, no estilo de vida saudável ao redor do mundo

Por Da Redação
Atualizado em 17 fev 2020, 15h09 - Publicado em 24 ago 2017, 15h22
Sophie phoenix e pais yogis
 (@sofiephoenix/Reprodução Instagram)
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Já pensou se fosse possível levar seu bebê para praticar sua modalidade favorita com você? Pois foi o que fizeram Honza e Claudine Lafond, professores de ioga criadores da marca Yoga Beyond e pais da pequena Sophie Phoenix.

Estamos simplesmente apaixonadas pela baby acompanhando os pais no estilo de vida saudável — e nas viagens ao redor do mundo! Confira alguns de nossos cliques e vídeos favoritos:

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The view from the top of the #GoldenGateBridge in #SanFrancisco was pretty cool. 👍🏼

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High five!👋🏼 . 📷 @dtufino_photo

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Co-teaching with my peeps is fun! 👍🏼

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👨‍👧‍👦 #HappyFathersDay 🎉 Fatherhood is the best thing in the world! I didn't have a father growing up, so becoming one at 35 made me question a lot of things about myself. What does it mean to be a father? What kind of a dad am I going to be? The older I get, the more I realize the importance of staying playful and never letting go of childlike wonder, which is not always easy when juggling so many "grown-up tasks" like paying bills and running a business whilst changing diapers. 👻 I'm still not entirely sure what makes a perfect dad, but I feel that love and honesty will always keep me on the right path. I've started writing a list of intentions aka father's pledge to @SofiePhoenix… 1) Lead by example 2) Be a kid when she needs a kid 3) Be a friend when she needs a friend 4) Be a parent when she needs a parent 5) When in doubt, listen to your heart . Feel free to add to the list and share your nuggets of parenting wisdom in a comment below👇🏼🙏🏼 H. . 📸 @dtufino_photo

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Thank you @SofiePhoenix for always keeping us safe! 😉 Spotter is the glue that holds it all together. @wanderlustfest @acrovinyasa #findyourtruenorth . Gear: @aloyoga Lens: @diceyoga

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"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." Michael J. Fox . Lens: @PeterSedlacik Gear: @AloYoga

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Veja também: Veja quais posturas de ioga das famosas você deve ou não copiar

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Someone once told me that when you become a mother, you stop being the picture and start being the frame. Well, I don't think that's true. You are still the picture and the frame, just more beautiful and colorful. 😊 C. . Gear: @AloYoga

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Magic always happens when we catch up with @dtufino_photo in NYC🗽…complete with a little fairy sprinkling pixie dust! 👼🏼 . Speaking of magic, you can still join us & @petelongworth @elenabrower @djtashablank for #TheArtOfSeeing event today at 6:30pm in NYC. It's an intimate and immersive 3hr event involving blindfolds, yoga, thai massage, meditation, deep beats and a few surprises throughout the night. . Here's what you need to know: • Lightning Society • 120 East Broadway, New York, NY • Tuesday June 20 • 6:30pm – 9:30pm . Gear: @aloyoga

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I know my parents are a bit cray cray, but I do like the view from up here… as long as I can suck on my thumb! 🦋

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